
Indian massage of the head


Procedure Classification:

Adjunct procedure, freely available

Procedure Character:

Indian head massage is an ancient Ayurvedic technique that gently treats and relaxes the areas of the shoulders, upper arms, neck, head, and eyes using special techniques. It stimulates blood and lymphatic circulation, improves tissue metabolism, and positively affects the scalp and hair growth and nourishment. Stress and tension often manifest as stiffness in the head, neck, and shoulder areas, where important energy centers are located in the body.

Procedure Course:

The Indian head massage begins in a seated position with the relaxation of the neck, trapezius muscle, shoulders, and neck. The client then lies on their back, and the head and possibly facial massage follows.

Indian head massage is one of the most accessible massages in the field of natural regeneration. Overall, it has a beneficial effect on mental health, inducing a sense of well-being, calmness, and psychological comfort.

Main Indications:

Headaches, insomnia, mental fatigue, irritability, stress, tension, anxiety, depression.

Main Contraindications:

All febrile, infectious, and acute inflammatory conditions.

Duration of Procedure:

20 minutes.

What to Bring to the Procedure:

Comfortable clothing that can be loosened around the neck and shoulders, or a bathrobe.