
Hot stones therapy massage


Classification of the Procedure:

Complementary procedure, available for purchase without a prescription.

Character of the Procedure:

Hot stone massage combines the effects of heated lava stones and gentle massage strokes. The placement of the stones alternately on various parts of the body and head leads to the release of energy blocks and the transfer of positive energy. This massage helps alleviate pain in the spine, muscles, head, as well as physical and mental tension.

Procedure Course:

The treatment is performed with lava stones heated to a pleasant temperature, which the therapist places on the client's body, followed by a massage.

Main Indications:

Diseases and pain of the spine and joints, chronic rheumatic diseases, respiratory system diseases, nerve disorders, recovery from serious injuries, illnesses, and conditions after total exhaustion, stress, and muscle fatigue.

Main Contraindications:

All febrile, infectious, and acute inflammatory conditions; all oncological diseases; conditions requiring complete rest; skin purulent and fungal infections; disruption of skin integrity at the massage application site; decompensated (untreated) heart and vascular diseases; varicose veins at the massage application site; swelling at the application site; certain bleeding disorders; advanced atherosclerosis and osteoporosis; pregnancy.

Duration of the Procedure:

20 minutes for a partial massage or 50 minutes for a full massage.

What to Bring to the Procedure:

It is advisable to come in a bathrobe.